Monday, November 1, 2010

Summary Post C4T#3

In this post he wrote about how he is now a math teacher although it is not his strong point. He goes on to say that the teacher he is tag-teaming with is very helpful. He is also learning this over with the children, although he is one of the teachers. He goes on to say how it is very uncomfortable teaching a subject that is not his best.

I have heard something like this said, "A great teacher is one who is always learning." I guess now you got a great chance to learn again! That is very helpful that there is another teacher in the class with you that is also a great help. As teachers, we will never be great at everything no matter how hard we try. This is why teaching is a team job, and it is not about one teacher being better than another at certain subjects. It is about helping one another reach what our best is as a person, even if we are not the "best" at everything. If we were the best at everything, where would our individualism in teaching be?
October 4, 2010 7:33 AM

In this blog, the teacher writes about whether kids should be punished for what they have done in another class or not. The teacher mentions a conversation she had with another teacher who thought that he should. In the end of this blog, the teacher states that he does not agree with punishing the kids in another class for their misbehavior in another class.

I agree because even if they misbehave for someone else, does not mean that they do not have more respect for you. As teachers, I truly believe that if we respect our kids long enough, they will learn that respecting us is the best choice. And making them do punishment work for another class is not your job. It is the job of that teacher to handle it in his/her class, not in yours.
November 1, 2010 8:06 AM

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for leaving your comments on my posts on At the Teacher's Desk.
