Monday, September 27, 2010

Blog Post #6

The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler:
This podcast was all about students using networking communication in the 21st century. This video is very informative about what the student that created this blog uses, in particular. What he uses (his PLN) can also easily be shared among other classmates by using a networking system. This networking approach is the same one that also allows him to contact the teacher if he has any questions, and other students can also share what they have discovered.
The question is asked, "Why does the network even need a teacher?". I am sure that many people who have watched the video were also curious of this before he approached the topic. The answers to this question were many. Basically, the teacher is there to, first of all, introduce how to go about learning in a network. If there are any questions about a topic or if the student needs help in the subject the teacher is there for the student to call and ask for help. The teacher is more of a guide and moderator with networking if there is any trouble or confusion.
I definitely think that if the middle school students could do this. They would need a step-by-step guide, somewhere to go for questions, and a thorough lesson on how to network during this "class." But, I think it is surely possible. It might be frustrating and confusing for them at first and their teacher will probably be getting a lot of phone calls, but if they hang in there and are not afraid to ask questions they will be able to do it.
A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN)
The 7th grader's PLE seems very similar to our PLN. As far as I understand, she uses her PLE for both school and whatever else she likes to do, such as listen to music. I like how she had all of her Learning Environment objects on the same page and she was able to organize them the way she wanted to.
 The Machine is Changing Us
I enjoyed Dr. Wesch's video. He was very interesting to listen to and he provided a lot of funny video clips.He talks a lot about certain words, such as "whatever," that have been used over the years. He also talks about how to engage students, because now they seem disengaged in class. He talked about the project that he and his students did and also much about Youtube.He was showing that Youtube now gets people involved in letting things know in video form and expressing themselves that way. He also shows it as a valuable tool. In the end, he speaks of going back to "whatever," but in a way that says, "I care. I will do WHATEVER it takes." This video makes me want to find ways to engage my students in learning, and it makes me think that to engage them we must first find what they are interested in and run with it.

C4K#1: Summary Blog Post

In Alberto’s manifesto, he promises three things. He first promised to be a better student by spending more time focusing on school work, doing homework and turning it in on time, and also not being late. His second manifesto was to be better behaved by staying under control, obeying his teachers, and not bothering others around him. Alberto’s last promise in his manifesto was to be better understandable by communicating with his teachers and letting them know any questions or problems he has.

Hi, my name is Kayla. I am a student at University of South Alabama in Mobile. I am in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class and you are my student for the week! I think that you have great goals for your manifesto! About homework: It is sooo much easier to do it right when it is given to you. And if you have time during class to so it and get it done it will be such a relief when you get home to know that you have less work to do! My Sophomore year in high school i decided to try to get all of my homework done during free times at school (if there were any that day) and I almost always had my homework finished before I got home! It was awesome! Better behaved: Oh yes, teachers like it when their students listen and behave themselves. I definitely think that we have to make school fun (which is fine!) but sometimes the fun gets out of control if we let it and others get involved to! Communication is motto is, "if in doubt, ask questions!" Never be afraid to ask questions or ask for your teachers advice.
Alberto  was born in Monterrey, Mexico and was raised there until he was 7 then he came to the United States. He has four people living in his house. He has one sister and both of his parents. He lives in Missouri. What he likes doing when he is bored is play sports like basketball, soccer, and wrestling. His favorite subject in school is computers. He does not like reading, but he likes science, math, and social studies.

Hello again Alberto! Just to clear things up, there are two Kayla's responding to your messages. It is not the same person over and over! That is very cool that you used to live in Mexico. I'm sure it is cool to see the differences among countries. I have visited Mexico with my parents and sister! We went to Cozumel and the Cayman Islands. I don't know where those are in relation to where you used to live! I have a mom, dad, and one sister who is older than me. My sister and I are both married now and live with our husbands. Neither one of us have kids, but my husband and I do have two puppies, Jayda and Aidan. I don't know much about sports and I am not very good at them. Music is my thing, but I am glad that you find an interest in those sports. I'm glad that you like computers because I am certainly not very good with them. They are cool though. I like science, math and social studies also! They are some of my hardest subjects, but still the most interesting. Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blog Post #5

I really enjoyed the trip to ancient Rome! This is definitely a good way to get the kids excited about learning by getting into character and telling a story. I like how they used music as a background. I also like how the music changed a few times throughout the Podcast. When the narrator came back on to say something, the music go softer to show that there was a change about to take place. Great!


I really enjoyed this podcast also. I like how he treated the podcast almost as if it was an actual news cast. He used different media's such as music, pictures, and interviewing. This podcast was very informative, yet interesting at the same time because of the way it was approached by using different types of entertainment.

This website made many references to podcasts. For example, a second grade class was learning about animals and they did a podcast on what they were learning. The author also suggests using podcasts for even children as young as the first grade! This could certainly heighten interest in what they are learning and help the children feel like they have a very important place in the class when they get to help in a podcast. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blog Post #4

Dr. McCleod is an Associate Professor at Iowa State University for Education Administration. He is also the Director of UCEA CASTLE. He also had a hand in co-creating the video we watched a couple of weeks ago in EDM, "Did You Know?" He has also received many national awards for his leadership in technology.

In the video iSchool, the idea of creating a school that is solely online is brought up. In this video, the thought that creating virtual school will help with the cost tremendously. The iSchool would not require books, paper, copy machines, or even pens and pencils. There would be programs for every class on the device from things such as Starwalk to take a tour of the galaxy to Formulae which would include all formulas used.  The main purposes this would be proposed are massive savings and environment protection. It is said that each student would only pay $150.

I think that this idea represents a lot of unique things that could be useful. However, while I was watching this video, the main question that was going through my mind was, "where will all the teachers go?" I realize that there will be instructors for the classes, however, there are many jobs related to schools. Jobs are already limited these days and honestly I do not see how this would help provide more jobs. Yes, it cuts down the cost for students, but what about teachers salary, secretaries, and janitors. In the end, this program of iSchool is basically students teaching themselves on their own time which can be good in some ways, but not so good in others. Also, if the idea of it being cheaper were true, then why am I paying more for my online classes now compared to the price I pay for regular classes. I am not totally against online learning, but what I am concerned about are the teachers jobs because if this were to happen, there would not necessarily have to be many teachers. 

This video makes a solid point that certain things will come true if we do not choose to reverse it. These things are exactly opposite from what people would typically want to happen. The interesting thing about this video is that the reader reversed the order of the words and read it exactly backwards. When that happened it clearly made the point of what the video is all about. 

This was definitely different from anything I have ever seen before. I think it was interesting, however it would be hard to hear them as individuals. I also wonder if the sound would be capable enough to be clear.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Additional Assignment #1

India: India is listed as 750 million people in the population, however, when google squared took me to wikipedia under U.S. there was a listing that said India has 1,187,510,000 people.
 China:1.4 billion people are said to make up the population of China this year (2010). 
United States: 310,225,000 are said to make up the population of the U.S. this year (2010)

Spanish-speaking countries: Google Squared showed that there are 17 Spanish-speaking countries.
English-speaking countries: Google Squared showed that there are 20 English-speaking countries, although it is not all of those countries first language.
French-speaking countries: Google Squared showed that there are 20 French-speaking countries, although it is not all of those countries first language.

3.Top Movies:
Google Squared showed a lot of the top movies throughout the decades. Three of these are: Braveheart, Happy Feet 2, and Golden Eye.

*What are the educational implications of searches such as Google Squared provides?
It allows people to look up things that they are curious about and get a lot of information out of one search. It allows a lot of information about a specific topic to show up at one time instead of having to search one thing at a time.
*Did you know about Google Squared before?
No I did not. I have never heard of it.

1. Presidential Terms:
Served the most terms over all: Franklin D. Roosevelt served an overall time of 12 years 1 month in office.
Served the shortest period of time: William Henry Harrison was only able to serve 1 month in office, not even close to one term.
2. Christmas:
According to Wolfram Alpha, Christmas is exactly 3 months and 13 days from today (September 12, 2010). Other ways it was shown: 14 weeks 6 days from now, 104 days from now, 75 weekdays from now, and 0.28 years from now.
***NOTE: I typed in "most popular Christmas songs" and this is what Wolfram Alpha came up with.

*What are the educational implications of searches such a Wolfram Alpha provides?
It allows a detailed description of the topic you are trying to search. It is good for people to find out information in a clear and constructed format.
*Did you know about Wolfram Alpha before?
No I did not. I have never heard of it before now.

According to Mr. Strange's comments on my blog:
My thinking was not altered much after the comments left on my blog. Much of what I wrote is the opinion of my own and I do not expect everyone to agree with what my mind thinks. By using the word "increase" I meant that the numbers in the statistics are most likely going to increase over time. Although it may not always be true that things will increase, new things are going to come about and increase in number, thus the process continues. When Mr. Strange asked what I saw as dangerous, technology or people, the answer is both. The world and it's people can bring about many great things, but one bad thing is danger. We are already living in a world where bad things happen daily, that's a given. But with increased technology, danger increases as well. When Facebook and your phone can show everyone exactly where you are every second of the day-danger, when your cell phone number is posted online for everyone to see-danger. It is everywhere, and honestly, when information gets in the hands of the wrong people (which is very easy these days) it makes a lot of things easier for not so great things to happen. This is clearly my opinion: I don't want people to know where I am or what I'm doing all the time. It isn't there business. And I certainly don't want my information out for people to "find" me on blog, facebook, myspace, and whatever else is out there. If I meet someone and give them my information that is a different story, but when someone comes up to me and says, "hey, i found your number on a site"......not cool...creepy! If other people want there information out there that is there perfectly fine decision to make. But personally, when I have children I don't want everyone to know where my kids are all the time and I certainly don't want sites and other things popping up on the internet that subject my children to harm or danger....not happening. By the comment I made about some people preferring pen and paper to learn. The word "some" is very important in that sentence. I do believe that technology can be a very good tool, and I will use some of it; however, I also believe that students can learn from a teacher taking time with them in a classroom setting where they can ask questions in person, take good notes (considering that writing things down is a form of learning), be with other students their own age, and not stare at a computer screen constantly and notice that their eye sight is getting worse by the minute. Technology can be great, but sometimes it is great to go back to the basics that have worked so well for so long. I think that technology can be implemented greatly and as a resource of further learning......but if technology is all it becomes, where are the teachers and the real relationship between the teacher and the student? What would happen next and where would the classroom go (would your teacher become the computer sitting in your lap)? According to the comment left about not using the tools therefore not giving the children in my classroom the opportunity for getting a job: Yes, I am going to use technology, but not as the main source of teaching. According to the "Did You Know?" video, what the children will be learning will be outdated in four years anyway, so by the time they get to College and in search of a career everything I have taught them through technology will be updated and most likely not used any more. This is why I am not a fan of rapid change.....where are the foundations if things are continuously changing, and where did all my years of teaching them in ways we thought they needed to learn? Technology brings about good things also, but much of the basics should remain also.


This was a very interesting story. I think it is great that an illiterate kid could figure it out on his own. More technology should be easy to figure out......the joys of simplicity! When a kid, or even a person, can pick up something and figure out how to handle it quickly that feels like such an accomplishment and relief to people. Nothing is wrong with being able to figure out products easily and quickly.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

C4Teacher#1: Summary Blog Post

In the first post I read of Scott's, he was blogging about meetings. He went on to say how he decided to treat meetings from now on and how he thought people would get more out of them if they were done in a more purposeful manner. He realized that many times, much of the meeting is wasted and boring when it could be more energized and useful if  just a few things were changed. He really seems to understand people and they way things seem like they should work. He had a lot of useful information that I am sure to read in the near future again.

I think it is wonderful that you are teaching yourself to make meetings more purposeful, yet shorter at the same time. Yes, meetings are very important, but time with one’s family is even more important. People like to know that they are going into a meeting with set goals and purposes and that those will be accomplished by the end of the meeting. I have been in several meetings that continued much longer than they should have, yet we all left feeling as if nothing was accomplished. I also like the idea of having meetings face-to-face rather than telling them to read the e-mails only. I have learned that creativity seems to flow better when a group is present in the same room together rather than putting input in separately via e-mail. Meetings allow a designated place and time to put the thinking caps on and run with it!

In the second blog I read of Scott's, he went on to write about a book he read. He was about to give his first speech as Principal of his school and he had been stressing out about the way things would flow and how they would turn out. He then remembered a book he had read over the summer. He picked up the book again and went through it. While he was flipping through, he found a passage he had highlighted the first time he read it. The passage was about being yourself when you speak. 

1.     I think that is a wonderful passage! People like to listen to others who are genuine and show a true heart. Being yourself with anything you do or anywhere you go helps ease the nerves (for sure!) and makes it more enjoyable for the listeners. I know that my listening ears are ready and willing when I know someone is being sincere and honest about what they are saying…….and cracking a few jokes along the way helps too!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Blog Post #2

Did You Know by Karl Fisch
In this video, Karl Fisch created a way to show many facts that are applicable to today's society. Although they may be true today, tomorrow they may increase. He has told facts that relate to technology in a major way. Some of these are subjects related to jobs, other countries, learning, school, networking, words, and a supercomputer. These things have majorly increased over time in certain aspects.

One fact that was shown is that there are 5x more words today than there  were in Shakespeare's time. He also referred to other countries for a lot of information. According to the facts, countries such as China and Indonesia are way ahead of us in technology, having babies, and other things. We are pretty far down on the list when it comes to some technological advances, but we do not notice it sometimes because everything seems to advance so fast. In all honesty, I am not a huge fan of increasing in technology so fast. It can come to a point where technology is not about communication in a good sense any more; Instead, it can and is becoming dangerous in many aspects.
Mr. Winkle Wakes by Matthew Needleman
"Mr. Winkle Wakes" is a short film about a man, Mr. Winkle, who has been asleep for 100 years and recently woke up. The first place he went to was an office building. There he saw people on computers, and others who were talking to people from different places through the computer. Next, he went to the hospital where people were kept alive through machines and he did not understand that, so he left. His last trip was to a school. There he found things very similar to the way it was when he was younger.
This film was obviously speaking of advances that have been made throughout the century and how some did not understand it. Some people are not fond of technology while others are. Obviously this man was not, although I'm sure it was very confusing for him to see all of these advances. If one is to think a little deeper, it is possible that  the author is trying to make a point that school is not as advanced as it should be. Personally, I learn much better in a normal classroom setting taking notes and listening to an instructor truly teach the material.  Not everyone will agree with all technological advances, but that is okay. We are all different and see things differently.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
 This video shows a teacher who is using technological advances in her classroom. She has taken a school in South Georgia and used her classroom to represent new ways of learning. In this video she speaks of some of the things that we are being introduced to in EDM 310. She also uses blogging and group projects that are done via computer technologies.
I like that she used the sentence along the lines of saying that the kind of learning she is using helps certain kinds of learners. Not everyone is going to pick up this kind of learning quickly and some might still prefer pen and paper. However, it is good to represent new forms of things to learn as technologies increase. She seems to know what she is talking about and has a plan of knowing how to teach the material and/or let the students learn it themselves.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
Sir Ken Robinson speaks of creativity and education at this conference. He starts off speaking mainly of education and how it is sometimes forced on people to get an education. He speaks of how it seems forced for people to continually increase in schooling and education to become who you really are, as some might think. He also speaks of how it seems like parents and others often tell children who they are going to be, such as they are going to be a teacher and not a dancer so they just need to focus on learning to be a teacher.

I like how he desires for parents and others to help "make something of  [the children's] future."  I also like the example he used of a little girl who could not sit still. He went on to say that many might automatically think that the girl needs to be on medicine, but in all reality, she could not sit still because she wanted to dance. When that girl was given an opportunity to do what she wanted to do most, to dance, she excelled. It is time to stop telling people who they are supposed to become, and rather foster that desire to do what they want to and run with it. We learn best what we love best.