Comments For Kids
C4K#3: Roll on, roll on!
Roll on, roll on!
The next job was to drag the waka onto the golden beach, so they cut tall native trees down.
Then they rolled it over the logs like in the book "Five Green Speckled Frogs"! They dragged the waka with a rope made out of cocnut fibre.
Finally they unloaded coconuts, a juicy pig and the bananas they had left, onto the beach to save for dinner.
Kayla (Perkins) Beck said...
Hi! I am from University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I am in Dr. Strage's EDM 310 class. I think this is a great story! Very cute. I also love the picture that goes along with it. I like to see visuals when I am reading a story. Great job!
C4K#4: Buffy
Don’t you love the holidays all you do is relax and sleep in which is the best part. You even get to do what ever you want. Holidays are the best you also don’t have your parents around nagging you to do your homework and all that. you also get to watch telivision lay on the couch without having to get off it. Holidays are the best but I think that the christmas holidays are the best because they are the longest holidays. holidays are even better in summer when you get to go to the beach just lay on the warm comfy sand and even go for a nice swim. Holidays are the best. Who wouldn’t like holidays you even get to travel see the other nice places in the world. you could even go snorkling. How fun are holidays.
bye enjoy your holidays!
Hi! I am an edm 310 student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile. I enjoyed reading your blog! I also love the Holidays. They are wonderful times of the year. No homework is definitely great! But when your parents “nag” you about homework, they really just want you to succeed and do the very best work you can do. The Summer is very nice, but I still prefer Christmas! The main reason is because I get to go see my grandparents. Your blog was very good, but let me give you some tips: Although blogging is informal much of the time, try to watch your sentence structure, capitalization, and making your point clear. Great job though!
They tried to gain control over us in Lexington and Concord, but they have failed. The Patriots will stand tall and become the victors over England. If they strike again the ground will be drenched redder than coats of the horrid Lobster-Backs with their blood. It won’t matter if they come by night, day, land, or sea we will be the greater of the two.MY RESPONSE:
This sounds great! When I read it I feel like it is a letter written by a patriot. You really used wonderful words and phrases that make this feel real, and bring the reader to a time in mind that feels like it is occurring at that very moment centuries ago. Great job!
C4K#6: Claire
I am excited about this! Now we can all communicate and share allot of things.
see you all later!!!
Hi Claire! I am a college student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile. I am glad that you are excited about posting comments and sharing this with your classmates. Good team spirit!
What Has Changed Since 4th Grade? What has changed was that we got netbooks. Getting netbooks was a very big and good change because we use them all of the time. We are also doing alot of project based learning this year. I have also noticed that we are having alot more fundraisers for our school. We also haven’t had a field trip since fourth grade and I think that I learn better when we do something that is physical or like the real thing or see what it is like. That is what I think has changed.
– Emma
Some of those changes seem to be a good thing! Being able to do projects is always helpful because you get hands-on experience and you get to create something yourself a lot of times. I learn better also by physically being able to do something or by having a visual to look at. I hope you are enjoying the changes sinces the fourth grade!
Mr. Wellington’s Class number 9
In this blog, the students are able to go straight from their class blog to a game. This is a math game that is supposed to help them learn. The kids are able to access it any time they want to because it is on their class blog.
I commented that games are such a great way to keep kids interested in learning. I also said that it was great for them to be able to use it straight from their class blog.
chile mine collapse
November 9, 2010 at 11:23 AM
Hi Henri! I am also a student in Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 class in Mobile. That is wonderful that you are keeping up with what is going on in the news. Great job with the pictures on your blog!
#1 on November 12th
My friend’s Jarrell and ahmad where playing football. We played tackle in the dirt. We also watered the plants.We had fun and got dirtyMy Response:
Hi! I am an EDM 310 student in Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 class in Alabama. I think it is great that yall were having fun while you are doing what is important to you! Keep up the good work and keep having fun doing it!
My Baby Kitten
My baby kittens name is Marragold. She is only 3months old, but shes small for her age. SHE’S THE CUTEST KITTEN IN THE WORLD!!!! My dad looks like he doesn’t like cats, but on the inside he loves them. Sometimes he lets her come into the garage. Sometimes my mom lets us bring her into the house when dads not home. Marragold was the first born, but her mom is a loner from the pack and the kitten hanges out with the pack so she rejects her. There were 5 babys, but 4 of them died. So it’s just her who’s alive. Marragold gets special treatment since her brother and sisters died.
The End
Hi, my name is Kayla. I am a college student at University of South Alabama and I am in Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 class. I love what you wrote about your kitten! They are so adorable. I wonder the same thing as Mrs. Huebner: Do you get to keep it forever and what does she look like?
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