Monday, November 1, 2010

Blog Post #11

Mrs. Cassidy is very positive about the use of technology in the classroom. She has used many different forms of media that she uses in the classroom with her students, even things such as Nintedo DS. I would probably use the techniques of a class blog and video. I like these because the kids are able to read what each other has written and also they are able to work as a group. One great thing I have seen throughout EDM is a class blog from a group of kids who wrote a story together as a class. Another class that I have seen throughout EDM did a video where they narrated also. I think that these things can be very javascript:void(0)valuable for the parents to see what their kids have done, and also for other classes to see examples of what a previous class has done. The impediments that could occur are typical computer difficulties that occur every once in a while, making sure it is kept private from predators, and watching the misconduct that can occur online. If these things are protected there will be great benefits such as keeping the kids interactive as a class, as out-of-the-box thinkers, and as teachers to other students as well. Let them be creative and explore! Imagination can be so beneficial with kids! And finding an interesting way to learn is vital to them.


  1. You can set the comment to not be active for individual posts. Anthony solved the problem and I learned something new. Hurrah!

  2. Hey Kayla I was assigned to comment on your blog this week and I tried last night and this problem occurred and I email Dr. Strange; I was like I think something is wrong!!!!!!! But i would probably use the blogs and video's in my class room. The children would learn more from these activities because they would be directly involved in the learning process and could always look back on it at home or where a computer is found. I can not wait to use these tools in my classroom.

  3. AS you know I am a great fan of blogging. I do hope that you will be a blogging teacher.
