Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog Post #9

"What I've Learned This Year" by Mr. McClung
In this post, Mr. McClung writes about a lot of things that he has learned from teaching this year. I believe that everything he wrote can be useful for teachers of any age and with any type of degree. I agree with everything that he said and I find it all very important.  The topics he discussed are to read the crowd, be flexible, communicate, be reasonable, don't be afraid of technology, listen to your students, and never stop learning. All of these are important in the job of becoming a teacher. I posted a comment to Mr. McClung saying that his focus on creating a relationship with our students by listening to them is one of the most important things that a teacher can do. The kids need to know that they can trust the teacher, not feel embarrased by the teacher, and to know that the teacher is always there to encourage and not discourage. Listening and encouraging goes a long way in a child's life! 


  1. Great post!! Mr. McClung's post was very good and I enjoyed reading it. You are right about this blog being applicable to all teachers no matter if you are just starting or been in the field for twenty- five years. I believe all of these things he talked about could be applied to any job. I loved the part where the student told him that they know he cares about them when he listens to them. Listening to the students is the most important part of our job as future educators. Again great post and I enjoyed reading it, have a great semester!

  2. Kayla!!
    Anyway I think you are right listening and encouraging goes a long way in not only a child's life but in everyone's life. It is as you said very important for us as future educators to learn that skill now and keep it for the rest of our lives. We also need to know that are kids are not the only ones who will need encouragement. Everyone needs it: co workers, students even the parents of our students. Sometime if a child is having trouble we as educators need to encourage the child's parents to help them. It makes a big difference when a parent is in a child's life. I really enjoyed reading what you had to say, thanks for sharing!

  3. I agree with most of what you said. Your comment about teachers not discouraging has me thinking... What about bad behaviors, unhealthy habits, etc... Hmmm.
