Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog Post #10

Morgan Bayda and Dan Brown:
Comparing my attitudes and experiences with those of Morgan Bayda
 I understand that some of education needs to follow along with the information age. I think South is doing a good job now at offering classes that are online. Yes, it will be very hard to completely change over every University and make everything all about the Information Age and making everything online. I personally don't think that should happen. I do think that every class that can be offered online, should be offered online, but I also believe that students should be able to choose between a regular class and an online class. I have also had some experiences where I am trying my best to stay awake in class while the professor is teaching. However, I find that if I have a really good teacher, such as my Geography professor Mr. Sebastian, I look forward to class and I stay very interested because he makes learning understandable and fun. A lot of times, classes just need new teachers, sad but true. It's crazy that Dan Brown quit school because of that. That was his decision although I think it was crazy. It is said that these days everyone should have a degree in something so I hope he found some all online school somewhere to get a degree!

Tom Johnson's Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home
I made a comment on this post also: I am also from EDM 310. I also like the approach of not arguing over the subject, but instead showing solutions. Kids always need a fun way to learn so they stay interested and continue working. However, if they do decide to go on a Hang Man trail, they are still learning some words! So learning is still there!

 Two Questions That Can Change Your Life:
Reflect on the questions and how they affect me. 
These two sentences are a great method of deciding what our main goal as teachers are. It is also great to motivate ourselves to do other things as well. I will probably ask myself these questions quite often and even come up with new ones throughout the years to help push me in the directions I desire to go and to inspire me continuously to do the things I know are my desires. 
My Sentence:
" I strive to teach my students more than just things from a textbook, but also life lessons that will carry on throughout their lives always to be remembered."


  1. Hi Kayla! First of all I would like to say, I love your sentence. It is very inspiring.I agree with you about Dan brown quitting school. I would think there should be someo ther solution but it is his decision.It is hard to make it in the world today without some sort of degree and sometimes that is still not enough. Great blog, thanks for sharing!

  2. Kayla,

    I agree that students should have the possibility of taking classes online; however, I believe that some classes are more effective in a physical classroom. Many professors are boring, and I try to stay away from these. Teachers should be trying to incorporate different teaching strategies to benefit the students.

    I like how you found the positive side of the kids playing hangman. I think that is important for a teacher to be able to do. I love your sentence, but I was wondering where your second question was?
