Tuesday, September 7, 2010

C4Teacher#1: Summary Blog Post

In the first post I read of Scott's, he was blogging about meetings. He went on to say how he decided to treat meetings from now on and how he thought people would get more out of them if they were done in a more purposeful manner. He realized that many times, much of the meeting is wasted and boring when it could be more energized and useful if  just a few things were changed. He really seems to understand people and they way things seem like they should work. He had a lot of useful information that I am sure to read in the near future again.

I think it is wonderful that you are teaching yourself to make meetings more purposeful, yet shorter at the same time. Yes, meetings are very important, but time with one’s family is even more important. People like to know that they are going into a meeting with set goals and purposes and that those will be accomplished by the end of the meeting. I have been in several meetings that continued much longer than they should have, yet we all left feeling as if nothing was accomplished. I also like the idea of having meetings face-to-face rather than telling them to read the e-mails only. I have learned that creativity seems to flow better when a group is present in the same room together rather than putting input in separately via e-mail. Meetings allow a designated place and time to put the thinking caps on and run with it!

In the second blog I read of Scott's, he went on to write about a book he read. He was about to give his first speech as Principal of his school and he had been stressing out about the way things would flow and how they would turn out. He then remembered a book he had read over the summer. He picked up the book again and went through it. While he was flipping through, he found a passage he had highlighted the first time he read it. The passage was about being yourself when you speak. 

1.     I think that is a wonderful passage! People like to listen to others who are genuine and show a true heart. Being yourself with anything you do or anywhere you go helps ease the nerves (for sure!) and makes it more enjoyable for the listeners. I know that my listening ears are ready and willing when I know someone is being sincere and honest about what they are saying…….and cracking a few jokes along the way helps too!

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